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New Beginnings

Embracing new beginnings is a sign of growth. Although it may be painful—as growth often is—we must embrace change to start anew. Life doesn’t always work out the way we hoped or wanted, and we carry our tattered and torn selves into new beginnings. Life humbles us and exposes our weaknesses, but the beauty lies in the journey of starting over.

An old adage that resonates with me these days is: “We can be given a cactus, but we don’t have to sit on it.” We can grow through our wounds, even if they are handed to us. New beginnings are always met with a sense of optimism, but they also offer a time to reflect on what has gone well in the past and what needs to change in the future.

New beginnings come from various life experiences. They can be positive, like finding the love of your life, adding to your family, making career changes, or embracing a healthier lifestyle. The power lies in our thoughts during the process. We can focus on the hard parts and make the transition feel challenging, or we can open our minds to possibilities. Although the transition may not come easily, it doesn’t have to be as challenging as our minds tell us.

Every day is a new beginning if you think of it that way. You get to decide who you want to be for yourself and those around you.

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